We live up to our ambition of social engagement in our own organisation. Relias believes in the power of diversity and different cultures. In terms of skills and individual qualities, our team is extremely well-balanced.
We practice corporate social responsibility through sustainable investment in our people and their environment, keen to inspire others to also make a difference in this way.
Relias supports and sponsors various social initiatives.
At Relias, we do our utmost to avoid legal proceedings and focus heavily on this important social task. Before undertaking other actions, we always try to mediate. This keeps costs as low as possible and obtains the best possible result, because ‘An out-of-court settlement is better than successful enforcement’.
If an out-of-court settlement is not feasible, the human approach prevails, and it is still possible to arrange a repayment plan, even after summons has been issued. Based on our social awareness, we also advocate this to our client when circumstances call for it. And if this does not work, we always continue to push for the best possible solution.
For specific, high-end cases that require a customised approach, Relias has the expertise to use advanced technology. Over the years, we have developed into a trusted name for clients who often have to deal with these special cases. This frequently involves unique and unprecedented proceedings, in which experience and legal expertise ensure an optimal result. Solution-driven ideas and state-of-the-art service ensure a faithful and trusted client base in this segment.
Relias, your partner from A to Z. From the Auction of seagoing vessels (C Lady Bug Auction) to enforcing Zoning orders.